On 2nd October, 2014 Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi launched Swachh Bharat Abhiyan(Campaign Clean India) to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country. Government nominated 9 prominent personalities to propagate the campaign of Swachh Bharat. The endeavor is to clean India by 2019. Who wants to live in filthiness?. Nobody. I went to Tokyo to attend a conference, a couple of weeks before PM Narendra Modi visited Japan. I was mesmerized after seeing perfectly cleaned roads, streets. It was difficult even to find a piece of paper somewhere on the streets. Let me give you some contrasting figures comparing India and Japan broadening the perspective. We are almost 9 times in area and population than Japan, but the density of people per sq km is almost the same which means that countries are comparable. Although GDP (PPP) of India is 1.5 times that of Japan, but per capita GDP ratio is still 0.04. The per capita income ratio of India to Jap...
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